- Casio Scientific Calculator Fx 991es Plus Free Download For Pc Windows 10
- Casio Scientific Calculator Fx 991es Plus Free Download For Pc 2019
- Casio Fx 991es Plus 2
- Fx 991 Es Calculator
- Casio Scientific Calculator Fx 991es Plus Free Download For Pc Windows 10
Preço: Grátis
Do you want to know how to download casio fx-991es emulator for windows? Check out the Casio Calculator tutorial video to learn that. Within two minute you c. The Casio FX-991ES Plus is Casio's most advanced scientific calculator with 417 mathematical functions. Recommended for Advanced GCSE, A/AS Levels and Highers. Dual powered (solar with battery back-up).
Innovative products bring joy, create new lifestyle and pave the way for related economies - especially, if they have been developed by CASIO. PRC bans use of Casio Calculator FX-991ES, FX-991ES PLUS in licensure exam. Exclusive Photo. Praxedes Bernardo, Chairman of the Board of Civil Engineering, requested for the exclusion of Casio Calculator FX-991ES and FX-991ES PLUS in the list of calculators that may be used during the licensure due to their programmable feaures,' the.
Atualizada: 2019-07-06
Classificação: 4,7/5 - 502 votos
A powerful scientific calculatorNatural display mathematical formula.
Compatível com PC Windows 7/8/10 Pc & Mac
O que há de novo
## 2.4.1* Update math engine (faster and more powerful)* Improve limit function* Improve integral function* Button [FUNC] Support more than 100 functions*... [Veja mais]
Descrição Do Aplicativo
If you are premium user of N-CALC, please contact me via email tranleduy1233@gmail.com to restore your purchase.This is all in one calculator, full mathematics... [Veja mais]
Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free é um aplicativo de Educação desenvolvido pela Nhi Thien Studio. A última versão do Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free é 2.4.3-build-2402201800-release. Foi lançado em 2019-07-06. Você pode baixar Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free 2.4.3-build-2402201800-release diretamente em Baixarparapc.com. Sobre 502 usuários avaliaram uma média 4,7 de 5 sobre Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free. Vindo para se juntar a eles e descarregue Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free diretamente!
Para ser claro sobre o processo de download do Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free para PC, ele não está disponível diretamente na web. A partir de agora, os desenvolvedores de aplicativos disponibilizaram para apenas a plataforma Android. Para desfrutar de usá-lo no seu dispositivo de PC, a instalação do Android Emulator é obrigatória.
Para fazer todas estas coisas em seus computadores e laptops, você precisa baixar Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free para PC/Laptop com sistemas operacionais Windows 7/8/10 & Mac.
Existem duas maneiras de fazer o download deste Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free no Laptop / PC. Use qualquer um, NOX App Player ou Bluestacks para este propósito. Como ambos suportam a instalação do APK, você só precisa instalá-los em seus desktops e instalar o arquivo com.nstudio.calc.casio-v2.4.3-build-2402201800-release.apk para que possa desfrutar dos serviços do Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free no PC usando NOX ou Bluestacks. Eu explicarei os dois métodos aqui; você pode escolher o que quiser.
Como eu estava dizendo anteriormente, neste post, vou demonstrar dois procedimentos, vamos ver o primeiro método de baixar Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free para PC usando o emulador de Bluestacks.
Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free for PC Windows usando BlueStacks
- Em primeiro lugar, você deve instalar o software Bluestacks no seu computador ou laptop. Clique aqui para saber como baixar bluestacks para PC. (Nota: Volte a este post uma vez que você instalou bluestacks corretamente)
- Depois do Bluestacks, agora, você deve baixar o arquivo .APK do Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free.
- Abra o aplicativo BlueStacks já instalado no seu PC / Laptop. Na caixa de ferramentas do canto esquerdo, você encontrará uma opção de Adicionar APK. Carregue o arquivo APK usando a opção nos Bluestacks. Clique nisso.
- Ele perguntará sobre o local onde você manteve o APK baixado. No meu caso, eu o mantive no Desktop, então estou selecionando isso.
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Agora, devemos discutir a instalação do Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free no PC usando o NOX App player. Você pode usar este método se o método Bluestacks não estiver funcionando corretamente em seu laptop ou computador.
Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free para PC Windows usando o NOX App Player
- Primeiro de tudo, você deve baixar o player Nox App - https://www.bignox.com, clique no software para iniciar a instalação em seu computador / laptop.
- Agora, faça o download do arquivo APK daqui.
- Após a instalação, abra o player NOX. Na caixa de ferramentas do canto direito, você encontrará uma opção de 'Adicionar APK'. Clique nessa opção.
- Selecione Não mostrar novamente e clique em Eu sei.
- Você tem que escolher o APK no local baixado. Como eu salvei na área de trabalho, eu escolho de lá. (Se o seu arquivo baixado estiver na área de Downloads, selecione o .APK a partir dele)
- Nox instalará automaticamente o aplicativo. Abra-o a partir da tela inicial do Nox app player.
- Você será perguntado se deseja alterar sua localização de 'Mundial' para qualquer local específico. Inicialmente, escolha a opção Mais tarde.
- Agora, você está pronto para usar o aplicativo com alguns links de sites pré-existentes incorporados no aplicativo.
- Nota: Use ESCAPE para voltar para a tela inicial ou então você pode usar os símbolos para operar o Casio calculator scientific fx 570 991es plus free no app para PC NOX.
Nós sentimos que você não vai ter nenhum problema durante o download do aplicativo através das formas sugeridas. Se você encontrar algum problema, compartilhe conosco. Até lá, desejamos a você um Feliz download de Video!
(*) É necessário
Redesigned ES PLUS series calculators
featuring easy-to-understand
Natural Textbook Display
Introduces the excellent features of the ES PLUS series 2nd edition
1 Design Simple and easy to use
Optimal education tools realized through a design that emphasizes comfort in the hand, legibility, and usability through the pursuit of simplicity

Instantaneous key recognition and ease of operation, the result of careful attention to design details
More comfortable in the hand!
A rounded design that fits naturally in the hand and a slim body that’s comfortable to hold
Attachable and detachable in any direction!
Hard case that’s attachable and detachable in any direction for greater ease of use
More legible!
The keys have been made rectangular, making them easier to press. They are also easier to read because of larger text.
Easier to use!
Highly visible, easy-to-press cursor keys and function keys
The photo shows the fx-991ES PLUS 2nd edition.
2 Quality Authentic quality
Excellent quality and authentication ensure confidence and peace of mind for use in educational settings
1Tough & Sustainable
CASIO has established three criteria to ensure excellent quality in the ES PLUS series.
1.Wear-resistant printing
2,000-cycle wear testing
Since ES PLUS calculators are products used for many years as learning tools, the keys are made of a material that offers high durability and resistance to print peeling.
2.Drop-resistant body
Drop testing from a height of 75 cm
The high product quality prevents malfunction or breakage when a calculator is dropped.
3.Environmentally friendly
Compliant with RoHS environmental regulations
The materials used in ES PLUS series calculators comply with European RoHS environmental regulations, an international standard.
*Complies with DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP
These three quality features ensure that CASIO ES PLUS series calculators are educational tools that effectively support learning.
2Authenticity Check
Two methods enable authenticity checking before and after purchase.
Furthermore, Premium Content is available to registered users of genuine ES PLUS series calculators.
Web Authenticity Check System
There are two Web Authenticity Check methods. Confirm product authenticity by using a smartphone to scan a QR code attached to the product package or shown on the calculator display.
Before purchase
Check on the calculator packaging
A hologram sticker is affixed to the package.
Please confirm the sticker.The photo shows the fx-991ES PLUS 2nd edition.
Note: The example shown is a simulated QR Code.
Read the QR Code section of the hologram sticker affixed to the package with your smartphone.
Go to the QR Code link. One of the three pages below will appear.
Likely to be a genuine product.
May not be a genuine product.
Not a genuine product. Please do not purchase.
Note: The Web Authenticity Check estimates the authenticity of the hologram sticker based on QR Code read status trends. This check does not necessarily guarantee the product is genuine.
Hologram sticker
A QR Code and sticker printed with a hologram as shown below are affixed to the product package.
The hologram has an iridescent rainbow color section and a shiny white section, and the CASIO logo is visible.
Note: This differs from the actual colors because color shades vary depending on the direction of the light.
The hologram sticker has the following characteristics that make it difficult to copy.
- When the sticker is tilted to the left and right, the color changes.
- When the sticker is rotated, the shading is reversed.
Note: A hologram sticker is affixed in limited countries.
Use the above characteristics to authenticate a product.
After purchase
Check on the product display
From the mode selection screen, press the 0 key to display a QR code on the calculator display.
The photo shows the fx-991ES PLUS 2nd edition.
Note: The example shown is a simulated QR Code.
Scan the QR code with a smartphone to go to the linked webpage.
Choose Authenticity Check or User's Guide.
Authenticity Check
Go to the QR Code link. One of the two pages below will appear.
Likely to be a genuine product.
Not a genuine product.
Please do not purchase.
User's guide
Go to the User’s Guide Page on website.
“QR code” is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated in Japan and other countries
3 Function Natural Textbook Display
Features Natural Textbook Display format for displaying equations and calculation results just as they appear in textbooks
Fraction and square root
Equation calculations
Matrix calculations
SOLVE calculations
Integration calculations
Scientific constants
Natural Textbook Display models that make it easy to teach and easy to learn!
Casio Scientific Calculator Fx 991es Plus Free Download For Pc Windows 10
4 Premium content A variety of original CASIO content is available to make learning mathematics fun.
Users can access this content by registering after the authentication check.
1Math Game
Become familiar with mathematics while playing a fun game.
Available languages:
English, Thai, Indonesian
Enjoy an original manga linked to the math game.
Available languages:
English, Thai, Indonesian
Casio Scientific Calculator Fx 991es Plus Free Download For Pc 2019
3Certificate of Authenticity
Download the e-certificate of authenticity with your name and unique identifier code.
Casio Fx 991es Plus 2
Available languages:
English, Thai, Indonesian, Bengali, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic
4Mock Exam Papers and Exam Preparation Booklet
These books use the fx-991EX when illustrating how to use the calculators.
Mock Exam Papers :
The booklet contains mock exams and tips for use in class.
Available in Pakistan only *
Exam Preparation Booklet :
Commentary and answers
Fx 991 Es Calculator
Available in Bangladesh only *
Casio Scientific Calculator Fx 991es Plus Free Download For Pc Windows 10
* Availability is current as of Sept. 2019.